Verified e-signature
While a simple electronic signature may be accepted in various jurisdictions, it fails to address the core issue of verifying the signer's identity. Truid offers a cost-effective solution to eliminate this fraud risk.
Different levels of esignature
Simple Electronic Signatures
Basic forms of online digital signatures where there is no requirement for the signatory to be uniquely identified. Provide minimal assurance and are typically used for low-risk transactions.
Advanced Electronic Signatures
Require a higher level of identity verification and are uniquely linked to the signatory. Offer more security as they are capable of identifying the signer and detecting any subsequent changes in the document.
Qualified Electronic Signatures
The highest level of digital signatures under eIDAS and more expensive. Require a qualified digital certificate issued by a trusted service provider. Legally equal to handwritten signatures within the EU.
We're all over the world!
A step by step guide to e-sign
How you e-sign a document with Truid
Step 1: Received document
Choose to sign with Truid
Step 2: Sign with Your PIN
Sign with your face, use biometrics
Step 3: Signed Document
The document is now successfully signed
Vital components of a sign
Integrity Assurance
It ensures that the signed content cannot be tampered with or forged.
Authenticity Assurance
It provides a record of the person who signed.
Non-Repudiation Assurance
It prevents the person from denying their involvement or the validity of the action.
"Finally a global identity verification service with digital signature capabilities"
Lars J.
CTO, CSign